ABC Freestyle

Alphabetical Inspiration for Your Little One


Letter A: Songs to Sing

Do you know the apple man?
(Tune of: "the muffin man")

Do you know the apple man,
the apple man,
the apple man?
Do you know the apple man
who likes to sing with me?

Oh, he loves the letter A,
the letter A,
the letter A,
Oh, he loves the letter A
and likes to sing with me.

A Marching Army Ant
(Tune of: If you're happy and you know it)

Oh, I wish I was a marching army ant.
Oh, I wish I was a marching army ant.
Oh, I'd marchy way up high, until I could touch the sky.
Oh, I wish I was a marching army ant.


Way up high in the apple tree (stretch both arms above your head, hands open)
Two little apples smiled at me (keep arms above head, close hands into fists)
I shook that tree as hard as I could (keep arms above head, "shake" tree)
Down came the apples (bring fists down toward stomach)
Mmmm, they were good! (rub stomach)

Click Here for More Songs


The ants came marching one by one, Hurrah! Hurrah!
The ants came marching one by one, Hurrah! Hurrah!
The ants came marching one by one
The little one stopped to suck his thumb.
They all go marching down around the town.
Boom, Boom, Boom.

The ants came marching two by two, Hurrah! Hurrah!
The ants came marching two by two, Hurrah! Hurrah!
The ants came marching two by two
The little one stopped to tie his shoe.
They all go marching down around the town.
Boom, Boom, Boom.

Other Verses:
The ants came marching three by three...
The little one stopped to climb a tree.

The ants came marching four by four....
The little one stopped to shut the door....

The ants came marching five by five...
The little one stopped to take a dive...

The ants came marching six by six....
The little one stopped to pick up sticks....

The ants came marching seven by seven....
The little one stopped to say 'my heaven'...

The ants came marching eight by eight...
The little one stopped to shut the gate...

The ants came marching nine by nine...
The little one stopped to scratch his spine...

The ants came marching ten by ten
The little one stopped to say THE END!

Alice the Camel

Alice the camel has five humps.
Alice the camel has five humps.
Alice the camel has five humps.
So go, Alice, go.

Alice the camel has four humps.
Alice the camel has four humps.
Alice the camel has four humps.
So go, Alice, go.

Alice the camel has three humps.
Alice the camel has three humps.
Alice the camel has three humps.
So go, Alice, go.

Alice the camel has two humps.
Alice the camel has two humps.
Alice the camel has two humps.
So go, Alice, go.

Alice the camel has one hump.
Alice the camel has one hump.
Alice the camel has one hump.
So go, Alice, go.

Alice the camel has no humps.
Alice the camel has no humps.
Alice the camel has no humps.
Now Alice is a horse

. . . . . .


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Mama Teach Me

Our first steps in preschool education is exploring the alphabet.

Unstructured yet planned, we'll learn a new letter each week and focus on daily activites to reinforce our new addition to the alphabet.

ABC Freestyle will go with the flow and include fun activities such as: alphabetically inspired art, crafts, workbooks, coloring pages, songs, games, sign language, internet treasure hunts, food, sound and word associations and also a weekly field trip known as a "Letter Outing".

Please comment on the posts and share your great alphabet ideas.

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All Natural Me
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